As members of The Cabot membership community, we want to provide you with the best experience possible.
Unfortunately, we know ticket resellers try to abuse member ticket access for a profit.
To preserve the integrity of the membership program, and to ensure that all members have equal access to the best seating, the below is our policy regarding membership and ticket reselling:
- To participate in member presales you must be a current member of The Cabot at the Insider (Turquoise) level or higher.
- There is a ten ticket limit per member during the presale period. To make inquiries about larger ticket quantities, please contact
- Presale access is for your private use and may not be shared with non-members.
- Presale access is for the purpose of purchasing tickets for your own use and not for listing them for resale.
- You may transfer your tickets to family members or friends for their personal use.
- If you find you are unable to attend a concert, you are allowed to put your tickets up for resale. The resale price can only include an additional 15% of the original fee, which allows for covering fees from ticket resellers. We encourage you to start by offering the tickets to your fellow members in our members Facebook group. Any member reselling a ticket for more than 115% its original value will have their membership canceled.
- The Cabot cannot guarantee tickets purchased from unverified third party resellers.
The Cabot reserves the right to cancel ticket orders if these guidelines are not followed. Your membership is subject to review and possible cancellation. You may also be blacklisted from purchasing tickets to future shows.
We greatly value your support and we will continue to do our part to ensure you continue to have the best seats in the house!